Bahasa Malaysia version:
Berita ini diambil dari yang berpusat di UK.

Pada akhir Mac 2009, gambar yang diambil di tinggalan istana di Scotland yang terletak di Timur Lothian telah dipilih sebagai gambar hantu yang paling menyakinkan. Gambar tersebut menunjukkan seorang wanita yang berpakaian zaman Tudor (Inggeris zaman dahulu) meninjau di tingkap tinggalan istana tersebut.


English Version:
A picture taken at the ruined Scottish castle on the East Lothian coast was voted the world’s
most convincing ghost snap. It appeared to show a figure clad in Tudor dress and a ruff peering out of a crumbling window.
The photographer who took the picture last May claimed he saw no one there, and tests have ruled out digital tampering.
Experts suggested the image might have been a trick of the light such as optical illusion, but confirmed sceptic Professor Richard Wiseman admitted he was puzzled.
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